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Friday, January 29, 2010

Relationship Forgiveness---No easy feat

There are so many emotions and circumstances to evaluate. Many tough choices to make especially when you're emotionally in disdain and you can be angry, you can be hurt, it's "normal" and it's healthy.

But I realized that if you hold on to anger towards a person then it evolves into bitterness and it only hurts you in the long run. That person is long gone and into the next relationship and you are still isn't a good feeling.

So choose to forgive and let go of the anger.

I think that all too often we are quick to say what we would do, when in reality our hearts may be broken but with time and a lot of effort can be repaired and although that person hurt us, the love for them doesn't just dissipate into thin air. EVERYONE deserves forgiveness. If not for them, then do it for yourself so you don't evolve into a cold-hearted, bitter person. After all, we would expect forgiveness and a second chance if we made a mistake.

People give up far too easily in relationships/marriages. Sometimes we have to set our pride aside and forgive them and give it another shot. I am not saying let this person disrespect you , and if they aren't remorseful, be my guest and walk away, but if they are truly sorry and seeking your forgiveness, give it to them. It will make you feel better in the long run.

Sometimes they just need a little guidance and if you could be the one to guide them back instead of being belittling and judgmental the you're the better person for it. :)

Love is a complex emotion with no easy way out...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Peace For Haiti

Sweet swallows sing, I dream freely amongst the trees, rivers run wild. Butterflies land on my fingertips and promise peace will come. I have hope for the country of Haiti. I pray peace into the hearts of every person who is suffering now. I pray for the tranquility of the parents of the sweet souls of children who now sit with Jesus in the glorious hills of heaven.

My heart is heavy today for the people of Haiti.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Average Black Person

My twitter friend from Chicago linked this to me and I found it intriguing. Thought I'd share.

Thanks Amber

Average Black Person

Atlanta Trip & New Body Art.

Helloooo again! Life has been super busy! Last weekend a few friends & I took a short trip to Atlanta to have a little fun before school started back for the spring. We shopped a bit & ate a alot! LOL. We visited the Georgia Aquarium, which was fantastic! I really needed this weekend getaway, but I did miss my little guy.

Breakfast at J. Christophers

Dinner @ Twist

Breakfast @ Thumbs Up!

Dinner @ The Atlanta Fish Market before my tattoo appointment.

I made an appointment with Miya Bailey of City of Ink tattoo shop in Atlanta. I had researched his art work and really loved the vibrant colors he used on a lot of his pieces.

I am so pleased with my piece, it is healing beautifully and I have been getting a lot of positive feedback on it. 

My Afrocentric Centaur

Atlanta is wonderful. I would love to move there. Maybe one day....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Six Word Story

Closed Mouth, Opened Mind, Dream Freely.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Six Word Stories

Everyday I will try to do at least ONE six word story. Which is essentially a compelling story composed of only 6 words.

Todays six word story:

"A common Enemy, Unites old foes."

Freeze Warning, Bologna baby

Good morning on this cold January day! It's Friday so that means ol' massa let me off work today! ::Happy face:: & ::tap dance::

The weather in Louisiana is brisk and colder than usual. The temperature for Southeastern Louisiana is about 26 degrees but with the wind it feels like 14 degrees. By the news and the way people were acting you'd think we had a blizzard or snow storm. Schools and bridges are closed and even some places of employment are shut down...all of this "precaution" is a bit ridiculous for just a little bit of cold. I remember having to bundle up and shovel several feet of snow when I lived in Ohio. Pffftttt.

My son, Gavin, is on a food strike. Since right before his 2nd birthday he has now started to only eat bologna, which is fine if he would also eat anything else, but he wont. This morning I fixed French toast, which got tossed on the floor, and the pancakes and sausages I made are sitting quietly ignored on the stove. ::sigh:: 1st food strike next sleep strike, this is going to be a long year. ::smile::

I pray you all a blessed day and productive day.